Inspired by the Disney+ series, Disney Kugali Iwájú, Disney Iwájú: Rising Chef takes players into the fast paced world of Nigerian cuisine. As a new chef in Lagos, players enter the fun but frenzied world of restaurant cooking. New chefs serve and satisfy hungry customers to become Lagos' best chef! Players must keep the entire restaurant going by taking orders, cooking a variety of classic Nigerian dishes and serving a host of characters from the series in order to rise in the ranks and become the ultimate chef! Experience the World of Iwájú: Experience the culturally rich and playfully futuristic world of Iwájú in ways that go beyond the show. Culture through Food: Learn about and celebrate the culture from Nigeria through the authentic cuisine of the area. Enjoy a classic cooking sim with a twist: Familiar mechanics and structure from best-in-class cooking games combined with special boss levels.
Inspired by the Disney+ series, Disney Kugali Iwájú, Disney Iwájú: Rising Chef takes players into the fast paced world of Nigerian cuisine. As a new chef in Lagos, players enter the fun but frenzied world of restaurant cooking. New chefs serve and satisfy hungry customers to become Lagos' best chef! Players must keep the entire restaurant going by taking orders, cooking a variety of classic Nigerian dishes and serving a host of characters from the series in order to rise in the ranks and become the ultimate chef! Experience the World of Iwájú: Experience the culturally rich and playfully futuristic world of Iwájú in ways that go beyond the show. Culture through Food: Learn about and celebrate the culture from Nigeria through the authentic cuisine of the area. Enjoy a classic cooking sim with a twist: Familiar mechanics and structure from best-in-class cooking games combined with special boss levels.